Saturday, 9 May 2015

Silversmithing Tools: New Rawhide Mallet

I read this post on The Toast quite awhile ago and it stuck with me. I don't know how much people really think or care about how jewellery is made when they buy either from me or from other small-scale designer-makers but sometimes the process is just as interesting as the finished product.

I don't have a huge budget for new tools but it was my birthday recently so I felt like I could treat myself to something new. I have opted for this rawhide mallet to replace my nylon mallet, which is still usable but has a slight problem because the head always chips so that I get left with tiny crumbs of plastic when I form silver into rings and bangles.

The mallet is made from a spiral of buffalo leather. I must admit, I've had the theme from Rawhide in my head ever since I ordered it and when it arrived, I was quite delighted to see that it was a Thor branded hammer. My very own Mjรถlnir!

I chose the Size 1 mallet with a 1 1/4 inch head diameter. It's a nice size and quite lightweight. My jewellery is often small and delicate so I don't think I'd really need anything bigger. I haven't used it yet but I'm very pleased that I decided to upgrade my tools. I feel more official as a silversmith!

Plus it's always nice to have a new toy particularly if I can pretend I'm a superhero by lifting it!

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